Help with Increasing Energy Bills is Available
Last month, many members had an unpleasant surprise when they opened their electric bill. There are several programs that can help if you need assistance with your energy cost. Most programs are income based but ENERGIZE DELAWARE offers an In-Home Energy Check-Up to increase the energy efficiency of your home. An Energy Advisor will come to your home and check the condition of its insulation, heating and air-cooling system, lighting, appliances and more to identify simple ways to help save energy and money. You can reach this program by calling (877) 524-1339.
Other Programs that may help:
Assistance Finder
Delmarva Power offers an Assistance Finder that can match you with the right option. It can be found on their website. They are also offering payment arrangements, due date extensions, budget billing, and other energy assistance resources.
Good Neighbor Energy Fund
The Salvation Army
For more information, call (302) 628-2020, ext. 105 or (302) 472-0750
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
(LIHEAP)/ Delaware Energy Assistance Program (DEAP)-Catholic Charities– Catholic Charities at (302) 856-6310.
- Fuel Assistance: Help with home energy bills from the period of October 1, 2024 – April 3, 2025.
Eligible households can receive a benefit to offset their seasonal heating cost. Eligible heating sources include electricity, natural gas, oil, kerosene, propane, coal, and wood. Benefits are available to both homeowners and renters. - Summer Cooling Assistance Program
(SCAP): This program operates during the months of May 1, 2025 – August 31, 2025 and helps pay for electricity to cool homes with air conditioning during the hot, humid summer months. In addition to receiving a grant to offset the high costs of electricity to air condition a home, some populations may be eligible to receive a room sized air conditioning unit. - Crisis Assistance: This component helps households in crisis year-round. Households must show they are experiencing a crisis, such as having received a shut-off or disconnect notice, a fuel tank reading at or below 10%, or are presently experiencing past due utility bills.
- Weatherization Assistance Program: The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, DNREC, offers a free Weatherization Assistance Program to help establish comfortable, energy-saving homes. This program is run through the Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy, helps homeowners and renters cut their energy bills by weatherproofing and improving the energy efficiency of their homes. If you have any questions, please call us at (302) 735-3480 and ask for Weatherization program.
Additional resources:
Chesapeake Utilities
The Chesapeake Utilities serves approximately 108,000 customers in Delaware and Maryland. The Chesapeake Utilities Corporation SHARING grant helps eligible Chesapeake Utilities customers with winter heating costs. Customer donations, matched by shareholders, are administered by Catholic Charities (Kent/New Castle) and the Salvation Army
To request assistance, apply on the SHARING program’s website or call: • Sussex County: (302) 856-6310 Delmarva Power Delmarva Power’s Good Neighbor Energy Fund matches customer contributions with a donation from shareholders. A household must first apply for LIHEAP. Funds are administered by the Salvation Army. Call (302) 472-0750 for more information.
First State Community Action Agency
To apply for the Summer Cooling Assistance Program, which helps eligible residents offset cooling costs or receive a free in-window air conditioner, visit the First State Community Action Agency’s website:
If you would like more information or need assistance, please call the Caregiver Resource Center at (302) 515-0001, ext. 1061.